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woensdag 7 oktober 2009

3 Tips For Preparing For College

Preparing for college is something every single parent should do. Whether it be in providing your child with a fully paid tuition or if it is simply giving them all the help that they need to get the grades that they have to have to get in, all parents are preparing their child for college from the beginning. What should you be doing and how should you do it? Here are a few tips to help you to learn just what you need to know.

Tip One: Preparing for college often means preparing financially. If the kids are young, consider investing in college tuition plans. Some states can provide these for you or financial firms can. If the kids are older, help them to get the scholarships that are out there and help them to find the financial aid that they or you need. While you may be willing to take out a home equity loan for their education, it may be smarter to look towards other options instead.

Tip Two: Preparing for college academically. Often, parents start with this preparation at a very young age. What is important, though, is not just allowing them to soak up the information in text books, but to show them and allow them to experience life. Take them to museums, musicals and other intellectual aspects. Provide for them the study plan and the work environment that they need to get good grades. Put rules and rewards in place for good behavior, good grades and success. And, make sure to get them the help that they need if they are struggling.

Tip Three: Preparing for college also means emotional preparation. While it is not hard to realize that your baby is growing up, you’ll need to prepare them for the real world by allowing them to make mistakes and helping them to learn from them. It is also important for them to develop social skills too. They need to be challenged and encouraged in a positive manner to succeed.

All of this is up to mom and dad to provide. Preparing for college didn’t seem to be all that hard when you went, did it?

woensdag 30 september 2009

5 tips to choose the online nursing school right for you

No one can tell you which online nursing school is right for you. As a rule, you must be the one who chooses which path to take and how you want to get there. The differences between the online nursing schools are varied and one needs to be aware that they all have their pros and cons. However, if you make a wise and informed choice then you are half way to your goal. If a nursing school fits with your schedule, needs and personality than there is nothing stopping you from succeeding.

Bear in mind that no matter which online school you choose you will still need to take part in clinicals which require ‘in person’ teaching to complete your degree. So before you have earned the degree you will need to transfer to a land campus school.

1. First and foremost check out the fees that the online nursing charges for their courses. This is probably the most important part of choosing an online nursing school. It is the common practice of all reputable online nursing schools to be up-front with their fees. They realize it is important to new students to know how much they will be paying for the course. This will help to build trust in the school as they put fourth the effort to respect their students by offering their fees in an honest manner.

2. You will need to check out the course requirements before signing up for anything. Each school has different requirements that must be met before entering their program. These may include a high school diploma, previous nursing courses, or specific course studies from other schools. All of these requirements are easily located in the prerequisite area of the course description.

3. Time available is very important when choosing an online nursing program. You will need to check and make sure that you have the minimum amount of time that is required by the school to dedicate to class and course type studies. Most of the schools that offer online programs operate on the same premise of standard schools and require that students complete a minimum number of hours in class room study to be eligible to graduate. All of the time that is required will be listed in the course description during the review process.

4. Degrees offered is another area where one should put fourth some effort in research. If the online program does not offer the degree that you need to get the job you want then it is useless to you as a school. Through most of the online nursing schools you can choose the type of degree that you wish to obtain and enter the course of study as set down by those guidelines.

5. Finally you should determine if the school you are looking at fits the individual needs that you have. If a school does not fit the most basic needs than it will not be of much worth to you as a student. If you have special needs or require an aggressive course study you should check with the online schools advisor to ensure that they can accommodate such a need or desire.

dinsdag 29 september 2009

Bodybuilding Workouts

Bodybuilding workouts are the most important part of your bodybuilding endeavors, but many people have not done enough research to fully understand, and get the best from, their workouts. Here in this article we will show you how to maximise the results from your bodybuilding workouts.

Step 1
Put some real effort into it. Nothing important is ever achieved in this world without some effort, and if you are approaching bodybuilding in a half hearted manner, then you will only get half hearted results. Any results you will see will be far less than you would have seen if you had been dedicated to the task. If you really want the muscles and body you are working for, why not put in a full effort?

Step 2
Maintain your enthusiasm. One of the most important factors in keeping the right level of enthusiasm for your training is to time your gym visits judiciously. All gyms have some competition to use the equipment, and if you cannot get access to it, you may end up not being able to perform some of your most important routines. This is not only frustrating, it can lead to setbacks in your progress. If you can plan your gym visits for quieter times of day, such as morning opening, or early afternoon, that will help.

Step 3
Maintain your energy level.. Someone who is muscular is not necessarily fit, so you should work at being both. If your gym has a treadmill or an exercise bicycle, these provide the ideal opportunity to do some aerobic exercise in the middle of your bodybuilding exercises. Although this will add a bit of time to your overall workout, it will increase your intensity.

Step 4
Make sure each exercise is performed correctly. To maximise the effect of your bodybuilding workouts, they need to be performed as they are written in the textbook. Try to keep your back still while you are doing barbell curls. A large amount of your time will go to waste if you are not maintaining your effectiveness with correct technique. Get this part right, and you will gain far better results for your time.

Bodybuilding workouts need to be tailored to the needs of the individual, but the hints in this article should provide you with something to work on during your next gym visit.

vrijdag 18 september 2009

7 Tips for Teaching Children Science

Getting kids interested in science at an early age is very important. It's easier than you think. Science does not have to be something mysterious. It is happening all around us, and you can use everyday things to encourage your children's interest and knowledge.

Most parents believe that they can't help their children with science. But you don't need a advanced scientific degree to teach young children science. All you need is a willingness to try, to observe the world, and to take the time to encourage their natural curiosity.

You can help by having a positive attitude toward science yourself. Then start simply by asking your child questions about the things you see every day. Why do you think that happened? How do you think that works? And then listen to their answer without judging it or judging them. Listening without judging will improve their confidence, and help you determine just what your child does or does not know.

You can turn every day activities into science projects. For example, don't just comment on how bright the moon is one night. Ask questions about why it's brighter tonight, why does it change shape, etc. You can observe the moon's phases throughout a month, and turn that activity into a science project, without even mentioning the words "science project". For a child that likes cooking, observe how milk curdles when you add vinegar, or how sugar melts into syrup. Try baking a cake and asking why does the cake rise? What happens if you forget to put in some ingredient? Voila! Instant science project idea, without being intimidating to you or your child.

Different kids have different interests so they need different kinds of science projects. A rock collection may interest your young daughter but your older son may need something more involved. Fortunately, it's not hard to find plenty of fun projects. Knowing your child is the best way to find enjoyable learning activities. Here are some more tips:

- Choose activities that are the right level of difficulty - not too easy nor too hard. If you are not sure, pick something easier since you don't want to discourage a child by making science frustrating. You can always do the harder project later on.

- Read the suggested ages on any projects, books or toys labels, but then make sure that the activity is appropriate for your child, regardless of age. Your child's interest and abilities are unique. If a child interested in a topic,they may be able to do activities normally done by older kids, while a child who is not interested may need something easier aimed at a younger ages.

- Consider how well the type of project matches your child's personality and learning style. Is the project meant to be done alone or in a group? Will it require adult help or supervision?

- Choose activities matched to your environment. A city full of bright lights at night may not be the best place to study the stars. But during your vacation to a remote area, you may be able to spark an interest in astronomy.

- Let your child help choose the project or activity. It's easy enough to ask. Rather than overwhelm them, suggest 2 or 3 possibilities. When a child picks something they are interested in, they will enjoy it and learn more from it.

Go ahead. Try it and see for yourself how easy it is the spark the interest of a child.

woensdag 16 september 2009

Commit To Be Happy

Today, why not made a personal commitment to be happy, in spite of what life hands over to you. You have to admit that there are too many things over which you have no control. The only thing you can do is to stop allowing them to make dents in your spirit.

Happiness is not something that others can take from you. It's something that you would have to throw away on your own.

There will be times when things don't turn out the way you want them to. Your best friend at work may turn out to be a power-hungry corporate animal that backstabs you at every opportunity. The promotion you worked so hard for may go to someone else. Your partner might decide to leave me, a day before we are due to go for a vacation together. You may lose most of your savings in a market crash.

These are things that can happen to the most loving, compassionate, careful and reasonable person. But after the initial pain and shock, the decision whether or not to let yourself languish in despair is entirely up to you. You can allow misfortune to form the bulk of your life, or you can choose to leave what's past in the past, and move on.

One's friendly and caring behavior towards others should not be motivated by the thought of equally kind and affectionate responses. You understand yourself best, and regardless of how reasonably and responsibly you live your life, there will be people who won't see your point of view or share your motivations.

People have the right to act in any way they see fit. I don't have the right to judge whether their behavior is acceptable or not. They have to bear the responsibility for their own actions, and so do you. By feeling sorry for yourself, you are simply continuing the work for them, long after they have dealt their blow. You have to decide that, as far as possible, you will not allow these people to disturb your mind.

There are many things for which you can be grateful. There are yet unexplored experiences in which you can find enrichment and meaning. There are yet others who will like you for who you are, and in spite of who you are. If you spend my time being resentful and miserable, you are denying yourself the satisfaction of enjoying what this life has to offer.

There are enough unhappy people in this world who punish themselves and others constantly in a bid to find redress and compensation. But there is no satisfaction in retaliation and revenge. It's a waste of time and spirit.

"To be happy we must not be too concerned with others."

vrijdag 11 september 2009

A Great Loneliness

'Man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers.
What is man without the beasts?
If all the beasts were gone,
Man would die from a great loneliness of spirit.
For whatever happens to the beasts,
also happens to the man.
All things are connected.'
Chief Seattle
Speech of 1854

Most people are now aware that we have some serious environmental issues facing us in the next few decades. The recent tsunami in Indonesia was a tragic reminder of the fragile balance of nature. There is nothing much we can do to stop these kind of events happening, except to install early warning systems. But global warming can be stopped or slowed down if and when we stop using fossil fuels and turn to renewable energy sources. The technology is being developed or already exists; wind and wave power, hydrogen fuel and nuclear fusion.

What can never be reversed if we let it happen is the loss of the diversity of life on our small, green and blue planet. The list of endangered species is growing all the time. Environmental awareness has been a long time coming. In a way we are the victims of our own success, at least in the West. Population growth makes it ever more difficult to preserve the wilderness areas which are so necessary for the survival of wildlife.

'When I was a boy in Scotland, I was fond of everything that was wild...
I loved to wander in the fields to hear the birds sing,
and along the shore to gaze and wonder at the shells and the seaweeds,
eels and crabs in the pools when the tide was low;
and best of all to watch the waves in awful storms thundering
on the black headlands and craggy ruins of old Dunbar Castle'.
John Muir

The first modern environmentalists, in a general way, were probably Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry Thoreau, but the man who made a deep and practical impact was a Scot named John Muir. He was born in 1838 in Dunbar, not very far from where I was born, and he left Scotland for California at the age of twenty-eight. He called himself a 'poetico-trampo-geologist-botanist and ornithologist-naturalist'. Today he is known as the father of America's national parks. On August 5th, 2004, former President Bill Clinton said of him, "One of the Americans who inspired Theodore Roosevelt to conserve our national forests was the naturalist John Muir, who once said, 'Everybody needs beauty as well as bread - places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul'. In today's fast-paced, high-tech world, Muir's words are even more compelling".

Another influential writer was Henry Beston. In 1928, after spending a year in a small wooden house on the Great Outer Beach of Cape Cod, he wrote an inspiring little book called 'The Outermost House', which contained the following passage:

'We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves.
And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear.
They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth'.
The Outermost House
Henry Beston

My own special interest is the wolf, that most misunderstood of all animals. Down the ages wolves have been the subject of much fear, hatred and mis-information and yet, of all the larger predators it is the least harmful to people. In a way, we know more about the character of wolves than we do about our closest relatives - the great apes - because their descendants are all around us, lolling about in front of the fire, or digging holes in the garden.
And yet the wolf has been hunted and persecuted almost to the edge of extinction. There have been no wolves in Britain for 300 years. The last one was probably killed at Helmsdale, some 40 miles north of where I live in the Scottish Highlands.

That the Vikings had a respect for the strength and sagacity of wolves is evidenced by the names given to ancient Nordic kings - Beowulf, Beadowulf, Wulfstan, etc. Even ealier is the legend of Romulus and Remus. The twins were found abandoned on the banks of the Tiber by a she-wolf, who fed them with her milk. When they grew up, Romulus built the city of Rome on the spot where the wolf had found them. Although no evidence to support the story has come down to us, there are plenty of authenticated stories of similar incidents, including three from Lucknow in India dated from 1844, 1954 and 1976.

One man who was centuries ahead of his time as a protector of animals was the Italian priest who became the patron saint of animals and the environment. Francis of Assisi was very much a lone voice, at one point pleading with the people of Gubbio to feed the notorious wolf which had been ravaging their flocks. His insight was all the more profound considering the relentless cruelty with which 'Brother Wolf', as Saint Francis called him, has been persecuted in the past fifteen hundred years.

In Anglo-Saxon times January was set aside especially for hunting wolves. It was known as wolfmonat or wolf month. Medieval folk-lore is full of stories about devil-wolves with dripping jaws and evil, slitty eyes. There are woodcuts of wolves with cloven hooves, carrying off little children, and there are children's stories like Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, and various tales about were-wolves.
The subject of all these stories must indeed be a ferocious animal, but in fact there is no authenticated instance of anyone being attacked by a wolf. I don't say it couldn't happen; I just say you're more likely to be struck by lightning.

That it is possible for people and wolves to live in the same world has been demonstrated by the various wolf programs on-going in north-west Montana, the Yellowstone area, Central Idaho and North Carolina. There is also a scheme, backed by Greenpeace and various politicians to re-instate the wolf in certain areas of the Scottish Highlands. In the U.S. ranchers are being re-imbursed for any livestock losses - which are surprisingly light - by an organisation called Defenders of Wildlife. This is what they say on their website:

'Some of the nation's most prominent biologists have estimated that protecting habitat for wide-ranging predators such as wolves will conserve 90% or more of overall biological diversity. Because wolves can require home ranges of several hundred square miles, their conservation can help to preserve a host of other species making use of the same habitat.'

It was the 'Defenders' organisation which led the successful fight to restore the gray wolf to it's former habitat in Yellowstone Park, and they are currently battling against recent legislation in Alaska to allow the 'hunting' of wolves from light aircraft and snowmobiles. This degrading and inhumane practice was banned in 1972 until last year, and ignores the weight of scientific thinking. It has received widespread public opposition. Alaskans have voted against aircraft assisted wolf hunting twice; in 1996 and 2000.
Killing wild wolves is supposed to boost the numbers of caribou and moose for the benefit of hunters, but biologists say that the larger prey species elude wolves 97% of the time, and that by eliminating sick and old animals, predation actually strengthens the gene pool.

Richard Fiennes, the distinguished U.K. scientist and biologist has summed up the case for the wolf as follows:

'The wolf appears to retain a respect for human beings, and is reluctant to attack them. Not so man, who now fears and abominates the wolf and does all in his power to destroy him. Alas, he fails to recognize in the wolf's descendants, whom he has domesticated, the great virtues and loveable characters of the ancestral wolf. If wolves must become extinct in some areas, let us yet give what honour is due to him where we can.
The old traditions of this gentle creature's savagery and ferocity linger on, and man's hand is against him, even when he does no harm. There are still enormous regions of the world, in America and Russia, where he can be left unmolested; let him so remain.'
The Order of Wolves
Richard Fiennes

dinsdag 8 september 2009

10 ways to identify if your lawyer is right for you

An ideal lawyer will not just have a string of impressive credentials or gold lettering on his door. He or she will be caring, concerned, and devoted to their work. You need to think carefully before laying your trust in a lawyer after all in some cases your life, future, money or property will be in his hands.

Apart from doing extensive research to short list possible lawyers you must ensure that there is not conflict of interest, that you understand everything the retainer agreement states, and that you have checked the references and details regarding the practice.

You will know the lawyer you have chosen is the perfect one if:

1. He makes an effort to spend time to understand your case himself. He will not assign a legal assistant to take facts of the case down.

2. From experience and knowledge he will know what is relevant and what is not. He will set aside and ignore irrelevant facts, opinions, and personal emotions that cloud the case on hand.

3. He will insist that the footwork for the case be done thoroughly. All facts must be checked for accuracy and solid arguments jotted down with backing of earlier rulings.

4. He will not just focus on the problem at hand but examine the problem from all sides. This will create a complete picture highlighting all factors of relevance and the different ways one can approach the case.

5. He will use his foresight and anticipate moves by the opposition or opinions of the jury or judge and plan way ahead. Like a master chess player he will plan the case not by the day but by many hearings ahead.

6. He will not waste time beating around the bush or create verbose statements—many words strung together which look impressive but mean nothing. He will insist that the case and its arguments be clearly stated.

7. He will be self-disciplined, thorough, and self confident. Courteous at all times he will respect you as well as all the staff who work for him.

8. He is recommended by not just his friends and relatives but by other professionals of good standing and from his field.

9. He will not just present to you his victories but be happy to tell you why and how he lost certain cases.

10. He will lay the cards on the table and tell you clearly whether your case stands to win or loose. He will not claim that winning is guaranteed. He will be honest and upfront about his opinions and advice.

The bottom line is that the lawyer must be worthy of your trust. Use your inborn instincts and don’t go by the lawyer’s good looks or fancy car or office. After all it is competence in law and in court that is of essence to you.

dinsdag 18 augustus 2009

7 Places To Go For Your Homeschooling Needs

Homeschooling is slowly becoming a trend nowadays and most parents are having fun with the interaction they are having with their child. Some parents are still having second thoughts regarding homeschooling though. Their main concern is that they might be having some problems finding resources to use for homeschooling. This article will help you find resources from different places.

The first stop is a ride to your nearest bookstores. Armed with a list of possible books to buy from a curriculum of a school, you can buy the books at any convenient bookstore. This will save you a lot of time and give you flexibility with regards to your child’s studies as bookstores have more choices and references for your child to use.

An alternative stop would be a trip to your closest magazine stores. Magazines provide you a lot of catalogs where you can choose from a lot of advertisers listed in it. This will help you from spending lots of time searching through bookstores and will give you a sense of what your child’s going to get.

Of course, with all the technology available on the internet, you should not be really surprised that you can find websites offering help in your child’s studies. Some of them can be easily found when searching at Google and some of them can be given to you by other people who are also having their child homeschooled.

The simplest place to look for resources is by going to a public library. Public libraries have books and references for you child to take home and use. To help with that, libraries have different instructional materials such as videos (like those from National Geographic) and cassette tapes (like tapes that will help you learn another language). These instructional materials not only help with the books in teaching but they also help in easing out the boring quality and the monotony ofbooks given out to children.

Libraries also offer a lot of computer software which will not only help with your child’s learning but will also help him in understanding different computer technologies and how they work. Often computer software is easy and fun to use, therefore attracting a lot of young people to use it.

Libraries also give book discussions. Book discussions not only train your child to read but also to think and criticize every thing that he/she reads. This will not only develop reading comprehension, it will also help your child in critical thinking.

Another place to look at is at the house of another parent who decided to homeschool their children. You might find it interesting that they are willing to share both their experiences and their used materials (books, references and other activity materials). You could save a lot of money and at the same time learn from these people who have already experienced the joys and the pains of homeschooling a child.

The most neglected place and probably one of the most informational, next only to a library, is the museum. A trip to a museum will not only help your child appreciate art and history but your child will also learn a lot from observing and listening to the history of all the museum displays. The best way to conduct this is by joining a group museum tour where there will be an instructor to guide and give you bits of information that will help your child.

The last place, but definitely not the least in this list, is inside your home. Search your cupboard and teach your child some simple baking lessons. This will not only help your relationship with your child but it will also promote your child to learn patience and of course will teach your child how to bake.

You could also do outdoor activities such as planting seeds. This will help your child be interested in plant life but if coupled with other activities (such as mathematics), this has a potential to be both fun and instructional. You basically just have to find out where your child’s attention is focused. Upon learning this, you can try to join your child’s playtime and turn it into something educational.

vrijdag 14 augustus 2009

All About French- Speaking Countries

The French Language

Roughly around 200 million people around the world speak French. This number includes people who speak French as a native language, as a second language and students of all ages who do not live in a francophone (French-speaking) country but have learned French. In fact French as a foreign language is the second most commonly taught language worldwide after English. It is also the only foreign language that can be useful throughout the world as well as in the United States. French comes in second after English on the list of the world’s 10 most influential languages. Proof of this is the pivotal role French holds. It is one of the official working languages in dozens of powerful international organisations such as the European Union (EU), United Nations (UN), World Health Organisation (WHO), World Trade Organisation (WTO), and a host of other worldwide institutions.

The French language of today is a direct result of long periods of evolution. France, throughout its long history, had been invaded by different ethnic tribal groups. The most distinguished of these are the Franks. They adopted the Latin being spoken at that time. Thus, the French language is a descendant from Latin. It is also known as one of the Romance languages which include Catalan, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. They are called such because their parent tongue Latin was the language of the Romans. Over the years, the early French language has undergone changes in words and grammatical structures. It has evolved into today’s global French.

Frenchspeak - Here, There and Everywhere

The French-speaking world spans the entire globe with its language heard in all the continents. Aside from English, French is the only language spoken as a native or first language on 5 continents.

In Europe, French is the official language of France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Belgium and Switzerland. France with a population of more than 60 million is one of the most modern countries in the world. It is one of the predominant leaders in the European Union. French is a co-official language in Switzerland. This picturesque country is one of the world’s richest countries. It is the centre of many international associations. Belgium, in the half past century, has emerged as a progressive European state. Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is home to the headquarters of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

In Africa, the French-speaking countries include Algeria, Burundi, Benin, Chad, Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Comoros. Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Guinea, Madagascar, Morocco, Rwanda, Togo, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles.

In the Americas and the Caribbean, French is spoken in Canada, Haiti, French Guiana, Martinique and Guadeloupe (these last three are French territories).

In Australia and the Pacifics, Vanuatu and the overseas French territories French Polynesia, New Caledonia and Wallis and Fortuna are French-speaking.

In many other countries, French plays a significant role either as an administrative, commercial or international language. Some of these countries are Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Egypt, Greece, India, Italy, Laos, Lebanon, Mauritania, Poland, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom (Channel Islands), United States particularly Louisiana and New England, the Vatican City and Vietnam. Clearly, the French language is spoken everywhere.

Convinced now to learn global French? It is quite easy. Browse through this site’s French Language Program and master French in the best place – the comfort of your own home.

Bonne chance! Good Luck!

dinsdag 11 augustus 2009

8 Points To Consider When Choosing An Online University Degree Program

Since the introduction of online degree programs, more and more colleges and universities offer online degree programs with subject areas range from business to nursing, degrees from Bachelor to MBAs and Ph.Ds. Online degree programs enable busy people to pursue their degree from any places and at their own schedule.

But, with the rapid growth and high demand in online degree programs, many fake online degree programs have been introduced by unaccredited online universities. Mistakenly earning a fake online degree definitely will not help in your educational journey. Thus, if you are considering online universities for your degree or career training, there are a few important points to consider in choosing your online degree offers by online university. This article will lists down 8 of them for your reference:

  1. How long has the universities been established? While a short educational history is not a red flag, a long-standing position in the educational committee is a sign of institutional security and reputability.

  2. Is the online university accredited? Accreditation ensures a basic level of quality in the education you receive from an institution. It also ensures your degrees will be recognized for the true achievements they are. Most potential employers review a job applicant's educational history to make sure that he or she has received his or her education from a college, university, or program with accreditation. If your degree, diploma, or certificate comes from a school without accreditation, it could hurt your chances for future employment.

  3. What is the institutions financial history/current position? Beware of fly-by-night operations that may not be in business next year!

  4. What other expenses are associated with your selected online degree course? Many online degree programs may require you to attend some hours of physical classes or lab works. Thus, the online universities may assess additional items such as technology fees or lab costs.

  5. Does the coursework of your selected online degree program meet your educational goal? Taking irrelevant courses may waste your time and money. Ask for a list of coursework of your selected degree program and review it against your educational goal before you decide to sign up.

  6. How current is the course material? Ask for a list of current textbooks or other learning materials to ensure they are current and relevant.

  7. What technological support is available to you as their online student? Online Universities normally has a webpage for online student which allow you to logon to view your coursework status, assignment submission, getting support from online university on any course related issues and access online library if any. Check with online university on these related information.

  8. What student services are available to online students? Full advising, placement, and tutoring services may or may not be available to long-distance learners. Get this information from the online universities; it is important to know how much the online university can support you as their online student.

In conclusion, get as much as information on your selected online universitys program and review it to see whether it is truthful in its advertising and recruiting and the most important is whether it meet your education need and career goal.

woensdag 29 juli 2009

Learn Anything With Flashcards

If you're like me, than you have a little trouble memorizing facts or quotes or things of the like. For my entire school career I had trouble learning facts like my times tables or my spanish alphabet. I could never get the information in my head long enough to stay put. I could read a sheet of paper with important facts over and over and not be able to repeat the information an hour later. I somehow managed to make it through high school and into college. It was my first college roommate that saved me the rest of my career with her tried and true learning method: the use of flashcards.

I wish my roommate had entered my life in kindergarden rather than at university. She told me all about the magic of flashcards after I questioned her about the huge stack of notecards on her desk during the first week of classes. I was convinced that she was a little strange and that my questioning would prove me right. Her explanation of the ways that flashcards had made learning easier made me somewhat skeptical but even more jealous. If what she was sharing was true, than I had missed out on a great and easy way to learn facts and figures.

Within a week of our discussion I had bought my first ever package of notecards. As the semester progressed I made small piles of notecards turned flashcards for just about every test or project my classes assigned. I was hooked. By simply breaking down the information into small pieces and recording the small pieces on flashcards I could carry around the small flashcards anywhere I went and learn the information. I think that repetition is more key to learning than I had realized before. I would look through my flashcards several times each day and I was surprised by how quickly this style of learning got the information into my head.

My college career and my graduate studies were saved by using flashcards. It has been even more fun for me to teach this great learning tool to my children as they have just begun their school careers. I am hoping to instill great learning habits into them early so that they will not deal with the stresses of barely passing classes.

Purchase some inexpensive notecards and turn them into flashcards to learn almost any set of information you need. You don't even have to be in school to benefit from the use of flashcards. I guarentee they will change they way you learn and hence the rest of your life.

dinsdag 28 juli 2009

Off-Site Learning Still Going the Distance

What do Franklin D. Roosevelt, Walter P. Chrysler and Charles Schulz all have in common?

According to the National Home Study Council, these distinguished men are three of the millions of Americans who studied through correspondence education, or distance learning - a nontraditional form of education that goes as far back as before the American Revolution.

Distance learning - being educated through mediated information and instruction by using technology and other forms of learning at a distance - began in a time when educational opportunity was a rare commodity. However, this form of correspondence study didn't receive formal government recognition until the late 1800s, when New York authorized the Chautauqua Institute to award degrees via home study instruction.

In the century that followed, significant steps were taken in advancing home study. These developments included creating curriculums for distance-learning programs to follow and incorporating the most up-to-date technology.

In turn, research indicates that correspondence students perform just as well as their classroom counterparts. Over the past 100 years, home study enrollments in the U.S. have grown from a few hundred per year to more than 3 million annually.

"If you are 18 years or older, online education is the best way to get your high school diploma and not sacrifice social, family or work commitments," said Jerome Polvay, president of Careertel, an organization that represents the Liberty High School Diploma Program. "A high school diploma will open doors for your future and help you achieve your dreams for a better tomorrow."

The Liberty High School Diploma Program provides educational home study for adults looking to gain a high school diploma.

maandag 27 juli 2009

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Taking Your First Online Class

Just a few short years ago, the idea of taking a college course through the Internet was something online “techies” considered. Now that people realize how convenience it is to take a class without leaving home, more and more people are taking advantage of using their computer to learn.

But while the technology used for online classes is so simple just about anyone can become an online student, you should ask yourself the following 5 questions first – and save yourself a lot of stress!

1) Do you have the time?
Many people think – mistakenly – that online courses are “easier” than traditional campus classes. But most online classes require regular participation. So, you must have the time to “log on” to your course several times each week, complete the assignments and do your homework, and interact with the other students.

All of this takes time…and, you have to account for the time you would normally have spent in the classroom. If you have the time, you will find taking an online class to be very convenient!

2) Do you have the discipline?
Sure, most online classes don’t require you to be on the computer at a specific time (although some do). So it is up to you to make sure you check in on your class several times each week. With a busy work schedule, sports, hobbies, housework, kids, it’s easy to put your class low on your priority list. And that could mean big trouble when it comes time to get your grade.

It’s not the teacher’s job to remind you to keep up with your work – that’s your responsibility. A simple way to make this work is to create your own schedule, so each week you know exactly when it’s time to “go to class”!

3) Do you have the money?
While there are many free or low-cost online “self help” courses available, college courses almost always cost the same whether you take them on-campus, or online. Colleges have to buy the software, train their faculty, and offer student services after hours – so expecting online courses to be less expensive is not reasonable.

On the other hand, the same financial aid is often available for online classes, just as with campus classes. So, money should not stop any student from furthering their education!

4) Do you have the right technical skills?
Fortunately, you don’t have to be a computer “genius” to take an online class. The technology has become very simple for students and teachers to use, so that students who can “surf the Internet” and use email usually have the necessary technical skills.

Before getting started, the school offering the course should have a sample course, tutorial, or other training to help you determine if there are any skills you need to learn, so you can become a successful online student!

5) Do you have the right computer equipment?
Since most online classes are taught through the Internet, students usually don’t need any special computer equipment. However, most online classes require students to have reliable access to the Internet, an email account (and the knowledge to use it), a word processor (such as Microsoft Word), and antivirus software. Check with your school to see if there are any other requirements.

A high speed internet connection is usually not required, but if instructors use graphics, videos, audio lectures, or other big files, a high speed connection (such as DSL or cable) will help you open the files, and do you work, more efficiently!

Are you ready now to take your first online class? Then it’s time to contact your local college, or search the internet for an online class directory, and see what online courses you can take!

zondag 26 juli 2009

5 tips to choose the online nursing school right for you

No one can tell you which online nursing school is right for you. As a rule, you must be the one who chooses which path to take and how you want to get there. The differences between the online nursing schools are varied and one needs to be aware that they all have their pros and cons. However, if you make a wise and informed choice then you are half way to your goal. If a nursing school fits with your schedule, needs and personality than there is nothing stopping you from succeeding.

Bear in mind that no matter which online school you choose you will still need to take part in clinicals which require ‘in person’ teaching to complete your degree. So before you have earned the degree you will need to transfer to a land campus school.

1. First and foremost check out the fees that the online nursing charges for their courses. This is probably the most important part of choosing an online nursing school. It is the common practice of all reputable online nursing schools to be up-front with their fees. They realize it is important to new students to know how much they will be paying for the course. This will help to build trust in the school as they put fourth the effort to respect their students by offering their fees in an honest manner.

2. You will need to check out the course requirements before signing up for anything. Each school has different requirements that must be met before entering their program. These may include a high school diploma, previous nursing courses, or specific course studies from other schools. All of these requirements are easily located in the prerequisite area of the course description.

3. Time available is very important when choosing an online nursing program. You will need to check and make sure that you have the minimum amount of time that is required by the school to dedicate to class and course type studies. Most of the schools that offer online programs operate on the same premise of standard schools and require that students complete a minimum number of hours in class room study to be eligible to graduate. All of the time that is required will be listed in the course description during the review process.

4. Degrees offered is another area where one should put fourth some effort in research. If the online program does not offer the degree that you need to get the job you want then it is useless to you as a school. Through most of the online nursing schools you can choose the type of degree that you wish to obtain and enter the course of study as set down by those guidelines.

5. Finally you should determine if the school you are looking at fits the individual needs that you have. If a school does not fit the most basic needs than it will not be of much worth to you as a student. If you have special needs or require an aggressive course study you should check with the online schools advisor to ensure that they can accommodate such a need or desire.

zaterdag 25 juli 2009

7 Steps To Guide Your Graduate School Search

The Graduate School Search Process

Once you are close to achieving your undergraduate degree, it's time to begin a graduate school search to lead you to the next level of your education. Of course, with degree completion activities taking most of your time,you may find it difficult to launch a comprehensive graduate school search that will net you the best options for pursuing your career. Knowing how to establish your parameters and search efficiently can make the process easier and will lead to better results in a shorter period of time.

Graduate School Search Made Easy

Know your objectives – The first step to finding the right program through a graduate school search is to write down exactly what you want from a graduate program. Location, internship eligibilities, highly regarded instructors – decide which factors are most important and create a list of priorities.

Consult an online graduate school search guide – Before you can narrow down your selection, you’ll want to get as much information as possible on many diverse graduate programs. Using an online search program can help you to get a lot of information in a short amount of time. Request information packages from at least 10 different programs to provide a variety of options. Further research may provide some opportunities that you wouldn’t have been aware of prior to your graduate school search.

Narrow your options – Once you have obtained the information from the various schools you contacted via the graduate school search guide, you can perform a comparison based on your initial objectives. Select the top three or four programs that best match your graduate school preferences.

Contact existing students – Now that you have a smaller pool of options, consider contacting current students participating in the program you wish to join. Most schools will be happy to put you in contact with a student who can answer your questions about the program’s courses, instructors and overall value.

Visit the campus – Along with making telephone or internet contact with the schools you are considering, your graduate school search should include a trip to the campus itself. Unless you are considering the prospect of online or distance learning, getting a feel for the physical environment can play an important role in your final decision.

Re-evaluate your choices – Once your have a more personal view of each graduate program, take a minute to compare your field of choices once more. Now that you have additional information, it may be possible to eliminate some of the programs from your graduate school search. If you have a clear front-runner, it may be that you have already found the school of your choice.

Sleep on it awhile – Whether or not you believe you have found the right graduate school program, take a little time before making your final decision. Choosing a school will affect your life significantly and you don’t want to be impulsive about it. If, after a week or so, you still feel confident in your choice, your graduate school search has ended! If you still need more time, or more information, go back to the programs you most prefer or start over with step one.

vrijdag 24 juli 2009

4 Tips To Find The Best Online University For You

Online degree programs have growth rapidly in conjunction with the high demand of online education. Today, getting a university degree online has become a practical reality for people who cannot spare the time and commitment just to go back to regular university for earning a degree. You may find it confusing and hard to make a decision on so many online degree program choices. Although it is a hard decision, making the right choice that will suit your schedule, your learning style as well as your education goal is of prime importance.

Depending on your specific needs and goals, here are 4 tips to help your find an online university that best suit your needs:

1. Know your education goals

Different people have different needs for getting an online education. Some people enrolled into an online degree program just to sharpen their knowledge in certain area whereas others may hope to make a career switch by earning a degree in the area they are interested in.

Hence, you need to know what you are your purpose of getting an online education. Before you begin considering your options on various online degree programs, do some self assessment on what kind of education you are looking for, how much time and effort you plan to invest and whether it is personal fulfillment or career advancement that you aim to achieve through the course.

2. Do research on your options

Most online universities provide free information on their online degree programs and many do provide online chat session with their academic advisors so that you can ask any related questions and getting the necessary information needed before you make up your mind. Take your time to gather as much information as you can from various online universities that offer the education program that within your education scope. Ask the academic advisors for further clarification for any doubts; make sure you have a clear idea of the program being offered before you invest your hard earned money and time into any one of them.

3. Beware of online degree scams

Onlinde degree scams or mostly know as diploma mill is a college or university that operates primarily to make money; such schools are not properly accredited and issue degrees without ensuring an education occurs. You need to be wary of these degree mills when doing your searches for the right course; make sure your are enrolled with online university that offers legitimate courses with proper accreditation. Fake degrees and credentials are plentiful and you will only be wasting your time, effort and money if you go with one of them.

4. Look for online degree program with recognized accreditation

Accreditation of the online university that you enroll in is vitally importance. Accreditation provides assurance that the program in which you are enrolled is engaged in continuous review and improvement of its quality and it meets nationally endorsed standards in the profession, and that it is accountable for achieving what it sets out to do.

If the reason you are pursuing further education is to advance your career, the degree you will be earning needs to be recognized by your employers or prospective employers. A degree from an accredited online university is one of the important consideration factors by many employers.

In Summary

It's easy to find an online degree program in your area of interest as almost all degree courses offered by regular universities are now go online. But you need to make some research in order to find an online degree program that really meets your education goals.

donderdag 23 juli 2009

Spotlight on Success Program to Benefit Arizona Schools

For many years, the Arizona schools have experienced a lot of negative publicity that affects its ability to recruit talent, garner extra funding, and keep students in the public school system. Current superintendent Tom Horne says that much of this publicity is unwarranted and unfair to the Arizona schools that have made many positive strides toward improving education.

To counter this unwanted publicity, Horne developed the Spotlight on Success program for the Arizona schools. Basically, the program works to put as much positive publicity about the Arizona schools into the public spotlight as possible. The superintendent, himself, seeks as many opportunities available for public speaking and voicing his opinions and facts about the Arizona schools to the media. His goal is to emphasize the positive inroads Arizona schools have made both in his public statements and when quoted in the media, and he to refutes any false negative publicity with ruthless tenacity.

Not too long ago, many newspapers within the state of Arizona and across the nation carried a negative story where a Kansas company designated Arizona as the “dumbest state in the country”. The story was quite untrue. Arizona schools students performed above the national average in Terra Nova (the only nationally-normed test), which is taken by essentially all Arizona schools students. Though Arizona schools ranks 49th out of 50 states in expenditures per student, the funding handicap has not affected the ability of the Arizona schools to educate their students above the national average. Horne is quick to remind the media of these statistics.

Another example of false negative publicity is that the Arizona schools have one of the highest dropout rates in the country, according to the “Kids Count” measurement. Horne says the count is incorrect, since the census was used for the measurement — otherwise, whenever the census reporter was told a child between the ages of 16 and 19 was not attending school, it was used to blame the Arizona schools. Many of these children were beyond the control of the Arizona schools, such as children from other countries who have never been enrolled with the Arizona schools, or those who had attended only private schools. If the Arizona schools do not know a child exists, they have no opportunity to educate them.

Three national organizations that keep valid comparative statistics on graduation rates across the nation are Manhattan Institute, Urban Institute, and United Health Foundation. Their most recent figures are from 2002, and all three report that the Arizona schools are at the national average of about 70 percent (plus or minus one percent). Since 2002, the Arizona schools graduation rate has grown from 72.7 percent to 77 percent. According to Horne, unless the rest of the country has had an equally dramatic growth in graduation rates, the Arizona schools are now substantially above the national average.

Horne plans to continue his efforts to refute the erroneous negative publicity about the Arizona schools, which he believes continue to do an excellent job in improving their educational standards.

woensdag 22 juli 2009

Very Essential Conditions To A Super Sharp Memory

Do you constantly misplace significant things such as your car keys?

Do you often forget important dates like birthdays and anniversaries, thereby negatively affecting your relationships with loved ones?

If so, don’t panic.

Many people are experiencing memory problems, regardless of age, sex, or stature. So don’t think only aging people can experience forgetfulness, because everyone can encounter memory loss from time to time.

If you want to have a sharper memory, you will find these conditions indispensable:

1) You must be able to focus well and be attentive. If you get distracted easily by things around you, then it will take you longer to memorize and remember things. Try to find a quiet room and concentrate on what you are reading, learning, or observing.

2) You must be interested in what you want to remember or memorize. Let’s say you love to study Psychology more than any other subjects in the world.

Do you think you would remember your lessons in Psychology more than your studies in Math, Literature, and other subjects?

You bet. By becoming more interested in the subject matter, you are also giving more attention to it; thereby this increases your chances of retrieving it from your memory anytime you wish.

3) You must have the imagination of a child. Be creative. Many memory techniques require the practitioner to think of the most outrageous and exaggerated images/pictures in order to remember certain facts or information.

The funnier and more out-of-this-world the images, the better chances you will retain data in your mind.

4) You must have a healthy lifestyle. Eat less fat and consume more foods rich in vitamins and minerals (especially beta-carotene), drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, engage in cardiovascular exercises, relax and be happy always.

By doing these, your mind will benefit as much as your body.

dinsdag 21 juli 2009

Treasure Hunt Supports Military Family Scholarships

Treasure hunts are all the rage, from Disney's hit film, "National Treasure," to NBC's new show, "Treasure Hunters." This summer, everyone can participate in a treasure hunt and earn a chance to win prizes while donating to a cause: academic scholarships for the children and spouses of U.S. soldiers.

A desire to thank the troops motivated Rachel and Kelsi Okun, sisters from McLean, Va., to create ThanksUSA, a nationwide treasure hunt to benefit military families. Among the prizes are a Harley-Davidson motorcycle; a big-screen home theater system; and trips to the 2007 Super Bowl, the Daytona 500, London and Cairo, Egypt. All prizes were donated by sponsors.

The Okuns' virtual treasure hunt contains 12 "chapters," which are posted online in a clue book. Each chapter tests participants' knowledge of American history, popular culture, geography and trivia pertaining to a certain state. Those who correctly answer the questions in each chapter are eligible to win a prize.

Players who successfully answer all 12 stages are eligible to win the $100,000 grand prize package including a Washington, D.C., adventure to search for a treasure chest filled with jewelry, rare gems and centuries-old coins.

ThanksUSA is short for "Treasure Hunt Aiding Needs of Kids (and spouses) of those Serving the United States of America." The hunt is open to any U.S. citizen and lasts through Sept. 5. Participation is free, but donations toward the scholarships are strongly encouraged.

"The least we could do for those heroes of America is to help their children and spouses have a brighter future as they are helping all of the U.S.'s spouses and children have better futures, too," writes Rachel, 10, in an essay describing how the idea came to fruition.

Rachel and Kelsi came up with the concept after reading Michael Stadther's book, "A Treasure's Trove." The sisters designed ThanksUSA's logo and helped with research for the questions. The clues were a collaborative effort among the girls, their parents, a teacher and other volunteers.

"We wanted to say thank you to our troops and wanted to show that we care about them," says 8-year-old Kelsi.

maandag 20 juli 2009

Online book comparison – the shortest path to affordable books!

If you have decided to find a specific book with the aid of these specialized resources, then you should start by browsing available categories. In order to find lowest price books, select the category of interest. You can choose between business, photography, children’s books, comics, Internet, health, literature and romance. Many of the people who enter online searching for books price comparison are teens. They need to find cheap college books and they prefer this rather convenient method.

Apart from cheap used college books, one can also find plenty of interesting books on literature, technical stuff and sports-related. These websites can also be browsed according to the most popular books and authors. What is the advantage of using online book comparison services? The answer is obvious: you will easily find lowest price books. With just a few clicks on the mouse, you will have the opportunity to compare bookstores online and also millions of books. The benefits come exactly from the comparison service, allowing you to find all the information you need, including when it comes to taxes and shipping details. Updated on a daily basis, these websites become more and more popular between young and older people alike.

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zondag 19 juli 2009

Ivey School Of Business

The Western University of Ontario is located in right in the economic grandeur of Forest City. It is one of the oldest and most respected universities in Canada. It was founded in 1878 by Bishop Isaac Hellmuth and the Anglican Diocese of Huron. The 155 hectares of land area down the banks of Thames River. The teaching faculty is composed of about 1,164 members. There are approximately 29,000 students enrolled in the undergraduate and graduate studies. The university has over 60 various degree programs and diploma programs from its 12 faculties and schools and 3 affiliated colleges.

Situated in the campus of Western University of Ontario, the Richard Ivey School of Business offers a different kind of learning experience. The university gives more than a learning experience but offers the fundamentals of living and socializing combined all together. It is a community that builds a bond that lasts a lifetime. It is the mission of the school to mold future business leaders that can think globally and act deliberately in order to promote business development and otherwise. It ranks second to Harvard Business School as the biggest producer of case studies and tops the world in Asian case studies. This is only proof that the school is committed to quality education and produces top-notch graduates.

The Richard Ivey School of Business will integrate the new method of management education known as the Cross-Enterprise Leadership in 2006. The objective of the aforementioned method is to enable students to develop the ability to foresee, evaluate, and plan on the acts of going through and solving certain issues of the entire business. Among these issues are globalization, competition, productivity and innovation. The Cross-Enterprise Leadership gets away with the traditional method of management education that puts emphasis on the functional discipline such as the finance, accounting, marketing and strategy. It promotes simulations and field projects to allow students to think and act strategically on business decisions. It promotes a decision based on the entirety of the business issue and not as individual bits and pieces.

Also, in 2006, the MBA program will be offering its students a one-year program available in the months of May and October. The MBA program of Ivey was considered by Business Week in August 1, 2005 as among the 4 best MBA programs in “creativity and innovation” with a “nontraditional approach urging students to learn business from all angles”. Such recognition encourages the university to continue and improve their MBA programs and make them more competitive and practical for the real world. The new MBA program is suitable for a cluster of students with great performance with a management experience.

It is also ideal for students that can cope up with the demanding one-year program. International exposure and a career management-training module are included in the MBA curriculum. The regular in-class learning take up to 4 hours, it can be at 8 am to 12 noon or 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm. The period for learning team sessions out of the class are scheduled.

zaterdag 18 juli 2009

Learn Quality Education From A Distance

Distance education or distance learning is a teaching method by which a student does not have to go to a school or any specific educational location to learn or gain knowledge, teacher and student is exchanging knowledge thru the use of electronic media or any type of technology that allows communication at the actual time. Tutorial sessions do not require presence; however, it is required during examinations.

Distance education is the conveyance of knowledge from a far. The process is done by providing educational materials or sources to people who needs education. Teacher and students are not physically present but are interchanging thoughts thru the different modes of communication. The used mode are thru voice, video and printed data.
Students enrolled in distance education normally receive mail. In this mail, they may receive videos, audiotapes, and CD-ROMs and other written materials. These are used for exercises.
In many countries, televisions and radio programming are used as a mode of education. The most used mode of educations is the internet. Education materials are forwarded thru electronic mail, different websites, video conferencing and other broadband network connections.
They use educational animations for more convenient learning. They use high quality of educational materials not to compromise the quality of education they are giving.
Students may study fulltime or part-time. Most of the students go part-time. Most of the student chooses this because they are busy with other activities of life. It is also possible to do a research study.

This type of education is being offered at any level. Usually, it is given to university level studies. Low resistance program is somewhat related to this type of education. The only difference is that it requires a little amount of presence in a semester.
The program in distance education is called correspondence courses. Vocational education is the old term for it. Vocational programs are conducted thru mail. The term was soon replaced by the term distance education because of the high technology present today. The children living in the remote areas are the ones enrolled to this type of education.

University of South Africa is one of the oldest universities who have been offering distance education. They started offering distance education in 1946. In 1969, Open University in United Kingdom opened. This is the largest distance education university in history. In 1974, in Hagen, Germany, FernUniversität was founded. Then, many distance education schools were built.
If you are a student, what are the things you need to do in order to be successful as an online student? The following are the things you need to learn:

• You must learn how to manage your time. Students who succeeded in distance education are very productive on time and are very responsible about their own learning.

• You also need to balance some of your personal obligations. Even if you take a part-time distance education, you still need to priorities your time to many things.

• Find the best environment for your study. Find a place for study that is disruption free. Learning is easy with noise.

• Feel free to ask questions - You can always direct inquiries to your teachers.

• Put effort in the studying. Remember that patient is a virtue. Always have time to study your lesson. Extra effort should be given for a successful distance studying.
Distance education is the easiest, more convenient way to gain knowledge. There are many universities and colleges available online. Go and have check.

vrijdag 17 juli 2009

Getting A Degree Online

With busy work schedules, families and other common tasks, many find it difficult to find the time to attend a traditional college campus. Therefore, more and more students are bringing the campus into their very own home by way of the world wide web. These days, there is no shortage of ways to earn a degree online.

In the beginning, online degrees were scarcely recognized among employers. Thankfully for many, that is no longer the case. Getting a degree online can be achieved through a combination of internet courses and exams, mailed study materials and at the convenience of the learner. Depending on the college, some courses are taught at specific times while others are accessible at the student’s convenience. The best thing about getting a degree online is that, if the college is properly accredited, the student may be able to transfer his/her degree into a graduate school program. Many online degrees are available as career diplomas, associates and/or bachelors degree programs.

When it comes to getting a degree online, the single most important aspect to look for is accreditation. If a school is properly accredited by a regional accrediting agency, the credits earned will be transferable to a traditional college campus should the student later decides to continue with his/her education. If, on the other hand, a school is not regionally accredited, any credits earned may not be transferable. In the latter case, a student who does not plan to move forward into graduate school may find it very convenient to obtain a career diploma or associates degree from a nationally accredited college, but it’s important to note that the credits will not likely have any impact on continuing education toward a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree.
The reason that regional accreditation is so much more important than national accreditation, when it comes to transfer credits, is because learning institutions want to make sure that their students have all learned the same course material.
If you are considering an online degree, you may find a lot of benefits to learning at home. In addition to the convenience factor, many students are also pleased to learn that they are often able to pay as they learn rather than being charged a full semester tuition all at once.

As an independent learner, you may be able to pay for each course/credit hour as you enroll, which means it will be much easier to pay for your college education if you can pay as you go. And, without the stress of worrying about how to pay for college, you will be able to focus more on learning and less on the tuition bill.

donderdag 16 juli 2009

Accredited Online Universities, The New Path Of Education

More and more colleges and universities are recognizing the demand for alternatives to traditional education. With today’s busy lifestyles, many people find it difficult to find time to go back to school without sacrificing existing obligations. This problem is being solved, though, with an increasing amount of accredited online universities that allow for alternate means of earning a degree.

Accredited online universities utilize advancing technology to expose the student to course work required for the degree. This includes televised classes, online chat, emailed assignments and online classrooms. Students will predominantly use the Internet to learn their studies and submit assignments. Some course work will require group assignments that can be facilitated through email or via instant messaging systems and chat rooms. Students can have the same classroom exposure without having to leave the comfort of their home or office.
Before undertaking a program, make sure that it is available through accredited online universities. Do not fall victim to scams offering degrees in a short period of time, usually for a lot of money. Not only are these offers a scam, they can also be illegal. Applying for a job by utilizing fake credentials can lead to many legal issues. If an employer discovers you have obtained a job through false methods, you will likely be fired and may risk both criminal and civil liability. There are currently over three hundred unaccredited universities acting on the Internet to try to defraud you.

Only accredited online universities offer the course load and actual knowledge to help you attain a legitimate degree. Remember that while online courses are designed to take into account work experience and be convenient to attend, they still require effort and time. The idea behind online education is to allow people who are unable to take the time to go to class the flexibility of working during times they are free. However, you can not attain knowledge without research and completing the assignments. A degree that was not earned will not hold the significance of a degree that was earned with hard work and effort.

The Internet is a valuable tool to help in searching for accredited online universities. Not only will you be able to get a list of universities, you will be able to research each one and get a feel for the work required, tuition and educational philosophy. Getting a history of the school will help you determine if it is the best place for your needs. Take the time to get feedback from existing students and faculty before making a final decision. Search the specific university you are considering for possible scams and fraud. If possible, choose a university that is in close proximity to you that you can visit the campus. Since many traditional schools are also offering online course study, this may be easier to do than you may think.

Getting a degree will help expand your career opportunities, enhancing your lifestyle in the process. Be careful to choose only accredited online universities and do not fall victim to the scams running rampant on the Internet. Obtaining a degree takes some time and effort but using online degree programs will add the convenience of being able to set your own schedule and pace.

A Moving Experience

I’ve found a cool apartment! Okay, okay…so it’s not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well, I can’t afford a more expensive place, so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of “Raid?”
I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy, can I borrow your truck? You don’t have one? Why not? Do you want one? I’ll help you pick it out! Well, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess I’d better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief!

While I’m on the phone I’ll call the utility and phone companies. Yes, I know I haven’t used your services before. No, I don’t have a credit card; this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal?
Daddy, I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well, how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV!

Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. That’ll be good enough. I don’t need a table; I’ll just use this box.
Renters Insurance? I don’t think so! What do I have to insure?
Just got my first phone call! I’d love to come to your party! Daddy, I need a car. Because it’s too far to walk to work, that’s why. Umm, Daddy…there’s car insurance too! Thanks, Dad…you’re the best! And gas? I didn’t think so…
Time for dinner. Let’s look in these boxes. Oh, No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD!
Uhhh, Mom?